Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nails of the Week: OPI and Sally Hansen

Hi guys!!! I know it’s been FOREVER since my last post, I apologize. But, remember when I said I’ll have a week off from school in between each quarter? You guessed it! That’s this week. It actually started yesterday but I needed some time to allow my brain cells to rest. Any who, I thought I should get started with a Nails of the Week! Let’s get started:

Ok, if you know me, you know I cannot function in life if my nails aren’t polished. I just feel like my life is incomplete without polished nails. It sounds crazy but it’s so true! And, my toe nail polish has to be the same as my finger nail polish. I don’t like to have my toes and nails mix matched. Weird, huh? Don’t judge lol.

Yesterday I polished my nails with Sally Hansen’s “Mint Sorbet” but I didn’t want to do a post about it. Don’t get me wrong, I LOOOOOOVE that particular color, I just didn’t deem in post worthy. So today, I removed the mint polish and picked two colors that I’m not ordinarily able to wear during school. They are “Blew Me Away!” from Sally Hansen and “Simmer & Shimmer” from OPI. I’ve had these two colors for a while. They were just sitting in the polish basket. I decided to pick these colors for this week because felt they are a lot different from nail polishes that I would normally polish my nails.

I’ve used the “Simmer & Shimmer” plenty of times and I don’t know what drove me to using it today. In the past, it took forever and a day for me to take the polish off. It just stays on…forever. The glittery polish is so appealing to my nail sense and I just love the way the color comes out. Despite the fact that it’s a hassle to take the polish off, I would definitely use this color again in the future. The “Simmer & Shimmer” is a mixture of blue, silver, and pink hues. They all come together as one in this polish. If you would like to purchase this color for your own guilty pleasures, you can do so here for $9.25. Or, you can purchase it from Beauty store, like Ulta or Sephora.

OPI picture courtesy of

Usually I love each and every OPI color but lately I’ve grown to love nail polishes by Sally Hansen. That’s the main reason I choose “Blew Me Away!” by Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme wear. It’s a really pretty medium blue color. This nail polish can be purchased here for $2.59. I personally purchased this color, and most of my other Sally Hansen polishes, from Dollar General. I forgot the price though. I also purchased some from the Kroger Grocery store. Don’t judge lol.

Sally Hansen picture courtesy of

So, if you liked these polishes then feel free to pick them up. Hope you guys have a wonderful and productive day. Happy Thursday!!


  1. Love the nail polish colors!!!

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  2. Thank you so much!!!! I just followed back.


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