Sunday, November 18, 2012

Inspired by a Fellow Blogger

Hi guys!! This is going to be kind of a short post because I''m suppose to be getting ready for church but I just couldn't help myself. I was scrolling through my Dash on my Tumblr and I came across a fellow blogger who had a couple of sets with the hashtag "If I was your Stylist" and I instantly fell in love!! If you know me, you know that I am madly in love with ALL things related to fashion and I aspire to be a Stylist one day. Since I've been in nursing school, my love for fashion has grown even more. Her post really inspired me to create more outfit sets. So I created a few of my own..

Check them out below:

Inspiration 5

Inspiration 2

Inspiration 3

Inspiration 1

Inspiration 4

Hope you like!! I plan on posting these on my Tumblr when I get back from church. Tell me what you think. Have a Happy Sunday!!! :)